
监听DOM Tree

最近一个项目中需要监听DOM tree的改变,首先想到使用MutationObserver

不过发现在低版本的webkit里面并不支持该API。于是考虑使用Mutation events,查了一下资料虽然很多浏览器目前仍然支持Mutation events,但是在W3C的标准里它已被废弃,取而代之的就是之前提到的MutationObserver。关于Mutation events的问题,引用一段John Resig的描述:

Yes, DOM mutation events already exist (in Firefox and Opera – fairly reliably – and dicey in Safari). They have a huge problem, though:

They absolutely cripple DOM performance on any page which they’re enabled.

Firefox, for example, when it realizes that a mutation event has been turned on, instantly goes into an incredibly-slow code path where it has to fire events at every single DOM modification. This means that doing something like .innerHTML = “foo” where it wipes out 1000 elements would fire, at least 1000 + 1 events (1000 removal events, 1 addition event).

总而言之,Mutation events会带来很大的性能问题,所以我们似乎也不应该使用它,那么还有什么其他方法吗?



1. 给指定的元素添加一个非常短暂的关键帧动画,比如叫:nodeInserted
2. 监听animationStart事件
3. 通过事件的animationName属性过滤,找到我们关心的元素

由于有动画的元素相对较少,所以该方法的性能比Mutation events会高出不少,并且在所有支持的CSS3 animation的浏览器上都支持,怎么样?很酷吧!